Palm Beach Predefined Commercial Types

One of the smallest towns in Palm Beach County, Florida is Manalapan. Spread over a total area of 10.52 square miles, 95% of the town is under water with land occupying 0.45 square miles. Therefore, one should expect a very low population in this town. It should not come as a surprise that the estimated population is around 456 as of 2016.
The village was gifted to George H K Carter by the US President Benjamin Harrison in 1889. The original inhabitants of this village were the natives of Manalapan, New Jersey. Maybe, that is what gave this town the name, Manalapan.
Today, this town comprises some of the richest people in the country with the town having a per capita income of around $ 143,729. This town has a bare 6% of the population below the poverty line. Now, in a town with a population of around 500, 6% should be around 30.
This town became famous for the wrong reasons in the year 1955 with the disappearance of Circuit Judge Curtis Chillingworth. This is a puzzling mystery because the population of the village was just around 55 at that time. If a person gets lost in an area of 0.45 square miles and the authorities could not trace him among a population as low as 55, it has to be one of the biggest mysteries.
This is literally an island. This place is seeing a lot of real estate of late. Many of the top builders are moving in to build beachfront homes. Money is definitely not a problem in this area at all. This island serves as a perfect getaway from the hustle and bustle of the bigger cities in Florida. It should be a great feeling to have a large beachfront house and enjoy the lovely sea breeze throughout the day and night.